Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 8, 2009- Anticipation

Well I can't believe how soon I'm leaving. In two weeks and two days I will be heading up to NYC with Alli and her family (Christmas Eve) and preparing to spend my Christmas Day flying 'across the pond.' I am ecstatic! Seeing Jay for 10 days will be incredible as we frolic around Cape Town and have many adventures!

Today I went to Target with my dad & Jen and prepared for the trip. Sleeping bag, lantern, raincoat, little sham-wow towel, and all natural toothpaste as not to pollute the water system. Apparently the electricity isn't guaranteed at the place I'm staying so I'm instructed to pack as if I were going camping. There's still so much to do- shots, planning, packing, loving people, saying "see ya soons", Christmas, and more...Overwhelming? yes. Worth it? absolutely.

I will be missing my family and friends but we have skype, g-chat, facebook, this blog etc. I will keep you posted as best I can along the way.

Thanks for Everyone's Support, Encouragement, & Love. I feel it and it means A LOT!

off to bed...I'm still working until the December 21st.
Oh ya, and it's snowing- perfect.